10 Years Ago... This Was Just a Science Experiment

Alex Koyfman

Posted August 4, 2022

Dear Reader,

It's no exaggeration to say that this could be the biggest advancement in materials science since carbon and iron were first combined into steel sometime in the fifth century.

Graphene is what's known as a hexagonal carbon nanostructure, and it was first isolated and studied in 2004 by Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov, who both went on to win the Nobel Prize for their research six years later.


As a material, it boasts physical properties that take a bit of imagination just to conceptualize.

It's one atom thick.

A sheet of it big enough to cover a football field would weigh less than a gram.

It's the the best conductor of heat known to man.

It's 200 times as strong as steel.

It has a current density 1 million times greater than that of copper.

More Expensive Than Gold?

Up until fairly recently, graphene was also extremely expensive to produce, costing as much as $100 per gram (just under twice the cost of gold), but then a game-changing breakthrough in manufacturing took this figure down by orders of magnitude — unleashing incredible potential in commercial and industrial applications.

Using nothing more than natural gas and electricity, a small materials technology firm based in Brisbane, Australia, was able to pursue one of the graphene's most crucial uses in consumer tech: next-generation rechargeable batteries.

After years of work, this company is now producing batteries at its Brisbane manufacturing facility, with testing and evaluations by commercial clients already underway.

Knowing what you already know about graphene itself, the performance figures of graphene batteries should come as no surprise.

They boast 1.5 times the capacity of comparable lithium-ion batteries, between 3 and 4 times the service life (in terms of charge cycles), and, most jaw-dropping of all, up to 70 times faster charging.

With current 0%-to-80% charge times hovering at around 30 minutes, what we're looking at here is a charge time so short that you'll beat anybody trying to fill their tank at the gas pump every single time.

Perhaps more important than any performance figures, however, is the very nature of how these batteries are built.

Like too many things these days, this goes back to politics.

The Chinese Have Been Planning This for Decades

Today, the Chinese Communist Party has a virtual global headlock on the lithium exploration sector. 

Slowly, meticulously, they've been planning this for decades, meaning tomorrow's lithium-ion batteries will become the domain of our biggest and most dangerous economic rival.

Graphene batteries, which are vastly superior by all practical metrics, can also be produced with no issues whatsoever from the geopolitical sphere.


Natural gas and electricity are ubiquitous, which means no shortages or price explosions in the future.

The company behind all this should be valued in the billions of dollars, but today, its market cap is a measly $250 million.

The reason is that for this company, graphene battery research and development isn't just one project or one division among many… It is the business model, and today's share price (the stock is already trading on major North American exchanges), reflects its early-stage status.

By contrast, the industry these graphene batteries are threatening — lithium-ion — is projected to hit $1.8 trillion in annual global sales within five years.

$250 Million vs. $1.8 Trillion… Which One Would You Bet On?

… You're starting to see the imbalance here.

Nobody knows this story yet.

And with the recent market downturn, shares are more than 50% off 52-week highs.

The company is almost 40% insider held, which should tell you something about how people in the know view it.

This time next year, you could start seeing graphene batteries in laptops, phones, and smartwatches.

Not too far down the line, they will spread to the Holy Grail of battery applications the EV market.

The groundwork is being laid now.

There's more to the story, and I urge you to catch up and find out what all those insiders already know.

I put together a video presentation for my readers, and now you can see it too, no registration or emails required.

Just click, watch, and get in on the secret of tomorrow's graphene battery revolution.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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